Friday, September 7, 2007

katana vs .50 machine gun

even cooler

9mm Versus Katana

that rawks

Monday, September 3, 2007

What we chose to ignore

it seems that a perfect storm is upon us... and we have ignored the signs

Friday, August 24, 2007

Harry Belafonte on the Muppets

Was working on another blog and ended up finding this... sometimes it's nice to sit back and enjoy something from your youth

DTV - The Andrews Sisters - Straighten Up and Fly Right

The song just reminds me of Grandpa.. I miss that guy...

Monday, August 20, 2007

Down Market

Just got back from doing the rounds at a bunch of realtor shops and it brings only one question to mind: Who's been going around shooting everyone's dogs?

My Lord, it's depressing. From shop to shop everyone just looks... Well... Defeated! That's not good! That kind of attitude isn't going to pay either of us because it means that these guys are giving up. That may not sound that bad at first but it begs the question of who out there is churning the waters and getting everyone excited about buying a home? 

Pardon the analogy, but it's hard to present a clean pool for all to swim in when some realtors keep taking a dump in it. 

I was evesdropping in 2 different shops where realtors were telling their clients to WAIT 6 months at least. WTF?

There are other products out there other than subprime and Alt-A. Those without money in hand should be steared to financial advisors. Those that do have some capital should go into conforming forducts or FHA and enjoy the great rates! What's the problem? We are shooting ourselves in the foot before we run the race. It's sad. 

So, how do we fight the pessimism and get people back in gear? 

Friday, August 17, 2007

Chuck Norris' Top 10

You don't watch Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris watches you.